Ответы к учебнику Английский язык для юристов М. А. Юговой

«В этой статье вы найдете ответы на задания из учебника «Английский язык для юристов» М. А. Юговой. Условные обозначения: Т — текст, З — задание, О — ответ.»

Данная статья содержит ответы к заданиям учебника «Английский язык для юристов» М. А. Юговой.

Условные обозначения⁚


  1. Т ⎻ текст
  2. З ⎻ задание
  3. О ⎼ ответ

Unit 1. Introduction to Law

T1. The Importance of Studying Law

  • З1. Why is it important to study law?
  • О1. Law is important because it protects our rights and freedoms, provides a framework for how society should function, and helps us settle disputes.
  • T2. The Legal System

  • З2. What are the main features of the common law system?
  • О2. The main features of the common law system include⁚
    • It is based on precedent.
    • It is adversarial.
    • It is decided by a judge or jury.
  • Unit 2. Criminal Law

    T1. The Definition of Crime

  • З1. What are the key elements of a crime?
  • О1. The key elements of a crime are⁚
    • Actus reus (a guilty act)
    • Mens rea (a guilty mind)
  • T2. The Classification of Crimes

  • З2. What are the different types of crimes?
  • О2. The different types of crimes include⁚
    • Felonies (serious crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than one year)
    • Misdemeanors (less serious crimes punishable by imprisonment for one year or less)
    • Inchoate crimes (crimes that are incomplete, such as attempt and conspiracy)
  • Unit 3. Civil Law

    T1. The Law of Contracts

  • З1. What are the essential elements of a valid contract?
  • О1. The essential elements of a valid contract are⁚
    • Offer
    • Acceptance
    • Consideration
    • Capacity
    • Legality
  • T2. The Law of Torts

  • З2. What are the different types of torts?
  • О2. The different types of torts include⁚
    • Intentional torts (such as assault, battery, and defamation)
    • Negligence (such as car accidents and medical malpractice)
    • Strict liability (such as product liability)
  • Unit 4. Legal Research

    T1. The Legal Research Process

  • З1. What are the steps involved in the legal research process?
  • О1. The steps involved in the legal research process are⁚
    • Identifying the legal issue
    • Finding relevant sources
    • Evaluating the sources
    • Applying the law to the facts
    • Writing a legal memorandum
  • T2. Legal Writing

  • З2. What are the key elements of a legal memorandum?
  • О2. The key elements of a legal memorandum are⁚
    • Issue statement
    • Facts
    • Analysis
    • Conclusion
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